The Abegg Love Letters

To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ; mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. -Jude 1:1

As Regional Leaders with United World Mission, we serve in Latin America to provide support & training to missionaries on the field. We work with Latin Partner Ministries that focus on everything from theological education to medical care, from children’s homes to retirement homes. Our goal is to come along side organizations & amplify their impact for good and the Gospel.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

🌎 Dominican & Latin Church Planting

Love Letters from the Abeggs: 
"…to those who are called, beloved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ: May Mercy, Peace, and Love be multiplied to you." (Jude 1:1)

Church Planting in the Dominican Republic & Latin America…

Scrawled on the entrance to a church in the Dominican Republic: "…if it is evil in your eyes to serve the LORD, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." -Joshua 24:15

Last week I shared about the development of UWM's "Training Hubs" focused on the long-term preparation and discipleship of leaders within the Latin Church as well as equipping the next generation.

This Latin America wide project begins with 5 primary initiatives:

  • Pastoral Formation and Leadership: See previous newsletter.
  • Church Planting: Below
  • Spiritual Formation and Renewal: Upcomming newsletters…
  • Cros Cultural Training/Missions
  • Ministry Sustainability

Church Planting: Throughout the major cities of Latin America one can often find a "church" (or multiple) on every block, but because of the lack of pastoral training which I addressed in our previous newsletter, many of these churches present a distorted if not heretical gospel, often focused on a "prosperity doctrine" with unbiblical promises of health and wealth. At the same time, most of the rural towns throughout these countries have little or no presence of the gospel, much less healthy and biblically sound churches.

Years ago, while serving in Chile, I had the blessing of surveying towns in the Altiplano (Andean high planes) on the Bolivian boarder in order to confirm the need for healthy churches. Many of these towns had at most one historic catholic church that a priest would visit once a year. No discipleship, no regular Biblical teaching, and no presence of a healthy, biblically-sound church. The catholic church buildings were used as community centers & markets for much of the year, and in some occasions even saw attendees regress to pagan sacrifices within their very walls. (For more on this "syncretism" and blending of beliefs, see 10/28/21 newsletter). 

As with the mountain villages of Chile, rural Central American & Caribbean towns are in desperate need of healthy church plants, preferably by nationals trained in the Gospel and then supported by an ongoing network of pastors.
2019 Visit with Dominican Republic Church Planting Teams

This Friday (God and hurricane Nicole permitting) Claudia and I will depart and spend the next week with a team of church planters & pastoral equippers reaching the rural areas around Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic. The church plants these teams are working with need the theological, practical and personal support we're developing via the "training hubs" throughout Latin America, and we're humbled to work with and care for families currently dedicating their lives to this Kingdom cause.

The last day will be dedicated to visiting, learning from and encouraging existingDominican national ministries, and clarifying how as partner organizations we can better cooperate in our efforts of reaching areas that do not have healthy churches.

Please pray for our time in the Dominican Republic. Pray for our training and planning times with the UWM team, our visits to the rural churches and our plans to develop and deepen partnerships with other ministries focused on church planting in the DR and throughout Latin America.
Jarabacoa and the surrounding villages are located in the central mountainous region of the Dominican Republic.

Hurricane Season ENDS Nov. 30… Today: 

Hurricane Nicole could derail our plans for Friday to depart for the Dominican Republic and our Church Planting teams visits and training. Please pray for God's protection wherever the storm makes landfall in the next 8 hrs. 
Additional Praises & Prayers: Thank you to those praying for Claudia and my strength and health during this season of travel. Please pray for this final trip of the year and for rest when we take a long awaited vacation in early December. Pray that we would be able to exemplify Christ and point others toward Him, whether the teams we're training or the people we sit next to in our travels. 

Year End Opportunities 

Help Us Advance the Gospel

Along with the increased costs everyone is experiencing, our own ministry expenses have gone up significantly including travel such as next week's visit to the Dominican Republic.  As we pray for anticipated needs in 2023 we've set a year end goal of an additional $10,000 to help with the projects such as Training Hubs and all the necessary travel. Our hope is to have the freedom to bring refreshment as well as provide training and equipping sessions wherever we go. 

I'll send a reminder before Giving Tuesday, but if you'd like to get a jump on this as a tax deductible gift, and help with some of our immediate expenses, please find our support link below.

Each of you are an essential part of this team! Please pray for the Lord's provision as we work to wrap up this year and prepare for the next. 

Partner With Us:

Our work with and through believers in Central America is only possible with your prayer and financial support: 

Prayer Team: Send us note to let us know you're praying for us, and let us know how we can be praying for you. 

Financial Support Team: To join or learn more, visit:

Abegg Missionary Support Page

Give via US Mail: Send a check with accompanying note stating: "For the Abegg Family" to: 205 Regency Executive Park Dr. Suite 430, Charlotte, NC 28217

Give Via Phone: Dial 800-825-5896 and talk to a very helpful person.

For past issues of our newsletters and other posts visit our Blog. 
Recent Milestones: 25 years of marriage & Claudia's 50th Birthday!

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