The Abegg Love Letters

To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ; mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. -Jude 1:1

As Regional Leaders with United World Mission, we serve in Latin America to provide support & training to missionaries on the field. We work with Latin Partner Ministries that focus on everything from theological education to medical care, from children’s homes to retirement homes. Our goal is to come along side organizations & amplify their impact for good and the Gospel.

Friday, March 4, 2022

🌎 Latin Am. Partnership & Family -Abegg Ministry Update


Love Letters from the Abeggs: 

"…to those who are called, beloved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ: May mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you." (Jude 1:1)
As a family we're back up to speed after Covid, now just dealing with the normal wear and tear of years & mileage. Below you'll find another mini update on our work in Central America, Nico's upcoming journey to the Czech Republic and answered prayers for Claudia's dad. 

Global Missions: Leadership Cohort / Discipleship

Last month I invited 6 fellow missionaries from our Central America / Caribbean region to take part in a "Lead Cohort" over the next 6 months. These men reside in 4 different countries overseeing and serving in many different ministries be they Christian schools, local churches, IT development, theological education or national, non US mission sending agencies (see previous newsletter). I've been grateful for each of these men's candid input and encouragement over the years, and now look forward to interacting with them around Paul David Tripp's book "LEAD". Though it's written primarily with pastors in mind, it has such practical, Christ centered content that I highly recommend it for anyone, especially considering how we're all commanded to "…make disciples of all nations…" (Matthew 28). Please pray for this group as we seek to sharpen one another "as iron sharpens iron" (Prov. 27:17) and seek the Lord's guidance on how to better serve the ministries we're called to and our fellow missionaries as they arrive to the mission field of Latin America.
Pre-Covid visit to FEDEMEC a few years back

Family: Nico headed to Czech Republic:

Nico is growing in his photography and videography skills and hopes to make a career of it. Though this would only be his 3rd year of high school, he's already accumulated enough credits to graduate, which is perfect timing for him to accept a job offer with Cannon Pres, creators of the nature documentary series "The Riot and the Dance" and full movies Water and Earth. Nico's work will be in Moscow ID, the same city where Jeremy is studying. But before this, Nico is flying to Prague, Czech Republic for a short internship with good friend and International Baptist Mission photographer Sam Cho. We're unsure how the refugee crisis from Russia's war on the Ukraine will affect his time, but we're trusting the Lord has bigger purposes than we can currently see. Please pray for safety, growth in his skills as well as a deepening understanding of our Lord's world. Pray that the Holy Spirit would provide divine appointments for Nico to represent Christ and serve those around him, particularly those displaced and fleeing war in the Ukraine.

Visit UWM's Ukraine Refugee Relief Effort page for info on how to directly provide aid through our local partner ministries.

Update on Family in Chile

Praise the Lord Claudia's dad is home after 7+ months of hospitalization! We see this as an absolute miracle given there were many times that it didn't look like he'd survive. We're also grateful for the amazing news that due to his age and contributions to Chile's version of Medicaid/Social Security, the cost for his lengthy stay is $0! What an answer to prayer! There is still home care and a breathing machine to cover, but these don't compare to what our concerns were for the length of his hospital stay. Please continue praying for his recovery and for the Lord to bring him to an understanding of both the grace he's been given and that which the Lord offers for eternity through his blood. Pray as well for Claudia and my plans to visit ASAP. We've received most of the documents needed for travel and are now just awaiting the arrival of Claudia's Chilean passport. 
Thank you for your prayers, encouragement and support of our family and ministry. Please send us updates on how you, your family and your church are doing. It's our pleasure and privilege to intercede for you, our partners in the Great Commission wherever God has each of us!

Partner with us in the Great Commission: 

Our work with and through believers in Central America is only possible with the prayer and financial support we receive from you, our partners

Prayer Team: Send us note to let us know you're praying for us, and let us know how we can be praying for you. 

Financial Support Team: 

Visit: Abegg Missionary Support Page

Give via US MailSend a check with accompanying note stating: "For the Abegg Family" to: 205 Regency Executive Park Dr. Suite 430, Charlotte, NC 28217

Give Via Phone: Dial 800-825-5896 and talk to a very helpful person.

For past issues of our newsletters and other posts visit our Blog

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