The Abegg Love Letters

To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ; mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. -Jude 1:1

As Regional Leaders with United World Mission, we serve in Latin America to provide support & training to missionaries on the field. We work with Latin Partner Ministries that focus on everything from theological education to medical care, from children’s homes to retirement homes. Our goal is to come along side organizations & amplify their impact for good and the Gospel.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Costa Rica Misson Trip Report from Nicholas Abegg-Guzman

Hello Friends!! 

I'm back from my amazing mission trip to Costa Rica. It was an extraordinary trip in SO MANY different ways. The team and I got to not only see the beauty of God's creation in Costa Rica but also His perfect timing. We got to see the love for God in the church that we went to in Cañas. On the last day of our trip, on the bus ride back to San Jose, the team talked about how we would explain our experience in a sentence to someone who asked about it. I came up with "The trip really showed me how much I should really rely on God" because relying on myself would give me nothing in return, but relying on God gives me comfort and builds my trust in Him, and He knows what's best anyway!

One of the main things that the team was praying for was no rain for our time of physical labor at Camp.  We were planning on doing a lot of cement work and the rain would completely throw a wrench into our plans. So, after two straight weeks of rain prior to our arrival, the first couple days were sunny and hot with no rain at all! Day four and five the clouds and the wind made for a more enjoyable work experience, and still no rain. Then the final day of real physical intensive labor came, and that day we got to finnish and dry all the cement work that needed to be done right before "BOOM!" when the skies opened up and constant rain once again both day and night! That just shows how perfect God's timing is that we were able to get all the outside work done before it rained. Later in the week we talked to a Tico (Costa Rican) who lived in the neighboring village and he said they haven't had 5 days without rain in the rainy season in over 5 YEARS!!!!! It is amazing how perfect God's timing is!

Thank you so much for your prayers and all your support. You have no idea how far your prayers go. Please keep praying for our team as we share God's faithfulness with others, including our church. Keep praying for the Gortmaker family who serve at Camp Rio Naranjo, and for my mom and dad as they guide and care for many other missionaries like them!

(Oh, one more thing… the entire camp sits on an active volcano.)

Good Bless!


Nicholas Abegg-Guzman 

For more on our family's work as missionaries please visit:


Kelso's said...

Thank you for sharing, Nico. Such a rich maturity in your testimony. I am so glad we get to watch all God has done in your life, is doing now and where God will lead you in the future. You are a blessing to all who know you. We are blessed to be your godparents.

Curt Longacre said...

It’s fun to see God’s work. He is amazing!

Unknown said...

Nico, thank you for sharing with us. You painted a very vivid picture of what you experienced on this trip. God is good.

Marsi Girardi