The Abegg Love Letters

To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ; mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. -Jude 1:1

As Regional Leaders with United World Mission, we serve in Latin America to provide support & training to missionaries on the field. We work with Latin Partner Ministries that focus on everything from theological education to medical care, from children’s homes to retirement homes. Our goal is to come along side organizations & amplify their impact for good and the Gospel.

Monday, November 21, 2011

LAM Has a New Website!

It's been a long time in coming and desperately needed in order to better communicate with and to all of our partners, missionaries and those who simply want to grow in there missions understanding of Latin America or the world in general.

Personally, I am most excited about the "Partnership" section (which includes my area of responsibility in North American Alliances) and particularly the various resources we're beginning to gather to help our alliance members. Please take a few minutes to see what I've been working on lately and the direction we're going for the future. Here's a few links:

You can find my North American Alliance Director Bio on the "team" page:

And don't forget the Abegg family Bio as well as our new donation/support link (use well and use often) J at:

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