The Abegg Love Letters

To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ; mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. -Jude 1:1

As Regional Leaders with United World Mission, we serve in Latin America to provide support & training to missionaries on the field. We work with Latin Partner Ministries that focus on everything from theological education to medical care, from children’s homes to retirement homes. Our goal is to come along side organizations & amplify their impact for good and the Gospel.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lessons we’ve Learned from our Kids #10

This is a bit of deviation from our normal “Lesson Plan” but something I wanted to share with you. Every night we have “Bible Time” with the boys before prayer and bed time. We’ve been going through the life of David recently and just finished one of the all time favorites of little boys who like to throw things: David and Goliath. At the end we had our normal question and answer time when Jeremy asked “Wasn’t David afraid of a giant?” On previous nights we had read about how David was shepherd when he was only a little older than Jeremy, and had to defend the sheep from attacking animals like lions and wolves. In doing so he learned to use his sling well and saw God’s faithfulness in his obedience. It was during this time that he had been quietly anointed king even though nobody even knew who he was. The boys and I talked about how through David’s experience as a shepherd, God had prepared him for that very moment against Goliath, using an unknown shepherd boy without armor or sward to defeat a battle hardened warrior in his blasphemous tirades against God’s people. From there we follow David into King Saul’s palace only to find him shortly death marked by the king’s jealousy and pursued by the royal army. Still, God was true to his promise and in the end David became king after seeing God’s powerful hand extend mercy over his life time and time again.

After the family had finished talking about David’s life and the kids were in bed, I found myself reflecting on how David was probably scared before Goliath, but also knew that God had prepared him for that moment and would do the fighting for him. Then in the following years seeing how through each challenge God both used David to glorify Himself, but also prepared David for the next trial. I reflected on my own life and simply thanked God that He has done the same through the trials in my own life. He calls each of us to trust in Him when standing before something that looks really, really big, and to see how He will use these trials in ways we could never imagine. As I ask God for faith in the face of our own trials, I pray for that same faith for each of our supporters in whatever you are facing at this time.

God is good, seek His face and trust in Him. He will answer.

In His Hands / En Sus manos;
Kevin S. Abegg

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