The Abegg Love Letters

To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ; mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. -Jude 1:1

As Missionaries with United World Mission, we serve in Latin America to provide support & training to missionaries on the field. We work with Latin Partner Ministries that focus on everything from theological education to medical care, from children’s homes to retirement homes. Our goal is to come along side organizations & amplify their impact for good and the Gospel.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

🌎 The Abeggs -Request for Your Prayerful Input

Love Letters from the Abeggs:  
"…to those who are called, beloved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ: May Mercy, Peace, and Love be multiplied to you." (Jude 1:1)

Significant Decisions, Changes & 

Request for Your Prayerful Input

Greetings friends, praying partners 

and Kingdom investors!

I last wrote you on the eve of flying to Chile to be with Claudia's family at the passing of her father. This was a good, encouraging, exhausting, and important time to be with them to both grieve together and enjoy being close. The boys were able to join us, and we took Claudia's mom and nephew on a retreat to the beautiful Lakes District in the South, and then spent more time around the family home in Rancagua. Thank you for your prayers as we continue to work through grief and next steps on both sides of the family. 
Part of Our Extended Family in Chile.

Left: Claudia and Mom, Maria Teresa. Right: Dear Friends, Pastor Roberto Rivera & Family 
Bottom: Jeremy, cousin Gaspar & Nico enjoying the view in the South of Chile

Claudia's health, and the management of Grave's Disease is overall improving little by little. Her body continues to adjust to the thyroid medications, and we see the "hyper & hypo" cycles more clearly, as the rhythms become less extreme and we understand better how to arrange our activities during these times. 

Though these months have not been idyllically restful for Claudia as well as my own recuperation from exhaustion over this past year, we've seen the Lord's mercy, guidance, and care in so many ways. Together, we continue to seek Him for our next steps, even as our "mini-sabbatical" wraps up.  
Years ago, I wrote about my tension in spending a few more dollars for a bus seat, as opposed to standing room only between two cities in Guatemala (see post: Rumors of Glory blogpost). Though this is small Quetzales (Guatemalan currency) compared to planting churches or assigning workers to partner ministries, Claudia and my ongoing prayer is for wisdom to steward well everything we've been given. Whether finances, possessions, relationships, networks, or the very days, months and years our Lord has allotted this side of eternity. 

Looking ahead, our passion is to steward well the coming years, and apply the experience, understanding and dare I say… wisdom of over a quarter century alongside and in partnership with Latin ministries. We've left a new team over Central America and the Caribbean with Mesa Global (the new name for United World Mission), Jeremy graduates next spring from New St. Andrews College, Nico has launched his own videography company, and we believe the Lord is leading Claudia and I into the next phase of labor in His fields, though we don't know where this will be as of yet.  It's an exciting time as we consider new opportunities. Nothing is "off the table", and for this, we ask you to join us in prayer. 

As we conclude our sabbatical, we continue serving with Mesa Global, but are anticipating stepping away from an organization we've been part of for 24 years under three different names: LAM, UWM & Mesa . Those we serve alongside, along with others, form our "counsel of many" (Prov.15:22) and are supporting us in prayer, wisdom and connections as we explore new options, trusting that the Lord will ultimately guide our steps. In the meantime, we continue to advise on projects and missionaries, while lifting our heads to look around and see where we can best be of service in the coming years, even as we lift our hands in prayer over the process. We anticipate, and are asking for His direction. 

A few memories, friends, partner ministries, and events that have been on my mind as I write you. From top left: 1) National Partner Ministry Summit -Costa Rica 2018. 2) Jeremy & Nico trying to keep up with mom and dad's travel schedule. 3) ProMETA, a Central American partner ministry equipping leaders and the Latin Church through online training. 4) Praying with our dear Chilean friend and fellow missionary over the Latin American Association of Christian Writers. 5) Celebrating the 4th of July in Costa Rica with fellow missionaries. 6) Visiting Centro Esdras in Guatemala with fellow missionaries Carrie and Justin Stafinski, and Director Israel Ortiz who equips, supports and trains churches and staff through theological training and integral, wholistic support. 
Please join us in prayer, seeking the Lord for clear guidance, provision, and for open doors for us to serve Him, His Kingdom, and His Church. Utilizing well the time and the resources He provides.

A huge "Thank You!" to each and every one who has been and continues to be Kingdom Partners through prayer and financial support. As we hear answers we'll be sharing them with you in future updates. In the meantime, I'd love to share more and hear from you. I've set up an appointment calendar for anyone interested in simply catching up, or hearing about possible opertunities or people we should connect with in this process. PLEASE DON'T HESITATE to give me a time, we miss talking with so many of you, and you may be part of how God helps direct us, at least through praying with one another.  

And again… Thank for your ongoing intercession, support and encouragement! 

May the Lord provide you with the same guidance that we ourselves are seeking, as we boldly ask: "…Your Kingdom come, Your will be done…"!
"Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a clear conscience, desiring to act honorably in all things".  

Our work with and through believers & partner ministries in Central America & the Caribbean is only possible with your prayer and financial support: 

Prayer Team: Send us note to let us know you're praying for us, and let us know how we can be praying for you. 

Financial Support Team: To join or learn more, visit:

Abegg Missionary Support Page

Give via US Mail: Send a check with accompanying note stating: "For the Abegg Family" to: 205 Regency Executive Park Dr. Suite 430, Charlotte, NC 28217

Give Via Phone: Dial 800-825-5896 and talk to a very helpful person.

For past issues of our newsletters and other posts visit our Blog. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

🌎 The Abeggs -Losses in the Family and Changes in the Mission

Love Letters from the Abeggs:  
"…to those who are called, beloved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ: May Mercy, Peace, and Love be multiplied to you." (Jude 1:1)

Loss of a Father, a Mother, and a Change in Names 

Name Change of the Mission: We are now Mesa Global

For those who partner with us financially, please note that the mission we are a part of changed its name from United World Mission to Mesa Global. It is the same mission, simply re-branded. Learn more at MesaGlobal's website. If you have any issues with receipting or automatic withdrawals, feel free to reach out to me or use the information at the bottom of our newsletter to reach a helpful person in the office. Thank You So Much!

Please also note that our "…" emails will cease to work at the end of the month, and our next newsletter will come from our new email address, so please add our new info to your contacts, and send us a note at: 

Kevin: KAbegg@MesaGlobal.Co     (note - ".co" and not ".com")

Claudia: CAbegg@MesaGlobal.Co

Our personal addresses have remained the same with "…".

Loss of a Father…

Ramon on his visit with us in Miami in '03 for Jeremy's birth.
All four of the Abeggs are heading to Chile in just a few days. We had hoped to go closer to the Northern Fall / Southern Spring, but as Claudia and I were driving back to FL following my mom's memorial, we received the sad news that Ramon Guzman, Claudia's father, had passed away in Chile. As is normal in many Latin American countries, the service was held quickly after his passing, so there was no way for us to make it, and it wouldn't have been wise given our level of exhaustion. 

You may remember how only two years ago Ramon was hospitalized for 7 months, and we were blessed to be able to fly Claudia down for time with him once he returned home. We didn't know it would be the last opportunity any of us would get with him face to face, but we are grateful Claudia did have that time with her dad. 
We had an additional blessing in being able to speak with Ramon on Father's Day, only a week before he passed. It was a very encouraging conversation concerning his trust in the Lord as his savior. What a comfort and hope that conversation has been for us in recent weeks!

We've been connected and conversing regularly with Claudia's mom and sisters once we arrived home and quickly took care of some important medical appointments to make sure Claudia's thyroid is up to another trip right on the heels of being gone for  2 months. Thankfully she's doing well overall, though we appreciate your continued prayers for energy and wisdom as we travel once again and seek to extend care to loved ones. Please be interceding for our visit as well as the whole family as we spend these next two weeks together. 
Fishing with Jeremy & Gaspar (TL), At the ferria with Nico (TR), Ramon and his girls: Barbara, Isabel, Cristi & Claudia (BL), Claudia, Ramon, Nico & Jeremy years ago. 

Loss of a Mother…

On the Abegg side, mom's memorial was an encouraging time of seeing friends and family after much absence. I had the privilege of officiating and giving the message, while my sister Lana and other family members and friends, including members of Walnut Creek Presbyterian, did a great job in sharing her life through pictures and various memorial displays. We've uploaded the service for those who missed it: Birgitta Abegg Memorial.
Birgitta Abegg's Memorial

Ministry Update & Sabbatical

My last update came to you from Costa Rica where we gathered with leaders from all over Latin America to further develop the "Regional Training Hubs" that UWM is growing throughout the world. It was a fantastic time together, and for my part, such a joy to focus on one of the most encouraging projects we've had the privilege to work on since the "hubs" incorporate many of the traditional strengths of United World Mission, Latin America Mission, and what is now called Mesa Global. Check out our region's page on the new Mesa Global website, and please be praying for the many national partner ministries we have the privilege to work with. 
Missionaries to the Dominican Republic, Justin and Jeimmy Smith now serving in Jeimmy's home country of Colombia (TL); Planning sessions; The famous (infamous?) Doña Sendek from Colombia now serving throughout the Americas (TR); & UWM's Latin America Regional Training Hub 2024 Planning Team. 
Claudia and I are currently taking a long overdue "Home Ministry Assignment" which most know as a missionary furlough or sabbatical.  Over the past 2 years, we've been training up a leadership team for our region of Central America and the Caribbean. However we didn't imagine our urgent need for assistance that hit so quickly with the onset of Claudia's Graves Disease at the end of 2023, then my mother and now her father's passing away on different continents, and the need to manage so much due to these life-changing events. By God's grace, this team was in the right place, at the right time, and has served us immensely in taking many of the weights off our shoulders. 

Apart from the Regional Training Hub planning, my time in Costa Rica in April enabled me to finalize several projects and transfer as much as possible to Matt and Lisa Befus who are doing a spectacular job in continuing to build the leadership team and manage both old and new projects. Please pray for this team (below) and the many national partners they represent and work alongside. Claudia and I continue to connect with them and various other missionaries as well as national leaders, but are thankful to have the freedom to attend to the needs of our grieving families. Please pray as we consider the "next steps", and the need to be less aggressive in our travel and care for some of the new health challenges we've encountered. 
Leadership Training in March 2023 (before we knew what was to come). Pray for this team L to R: Jeimmy & Justin Smith (now in Colombia), Partnership Facilitator for the region Luis Diego Herrera & wife Marielos, Cindy & Wes Williamson serving in Honduras, new Regional & Team Leaders Matt and Lisa Befus in Costa Rica, Nancy & Paul Mauger in Costa Rica & my lovely wife Claudia and some guy she hangs around with (PTL). 

More Prayer Requests: 

Apart from the above-mentioned requests, please pray for wisdom and protection in other areas. The night before departing to CA, our water heater died. I installed a new one the day we returned, but now the stove burners are malfunctioning, once again a few nights before our departure. Also, yesterday we found out that our medical insurance is on "pause" due to misunderstandings in the renewal process amidst the mission's name change and our travels. 

Please pray for protection, and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit as he uses even these challenges to refine us, teach us patience balanced with diligence, and to rely on our Lord for "our daily bread" in whatever form that takes. 

Thank you for your ongoing prayer and support during these challenging times. We love and appreciate each one of you and thank the Lord for your partnership.

Please reply to this email (or send us a separate note) on how we can pray for you during this time.

God bless!

Our work with and through believers & partner ministries in Central America & the Caribbean is only possible with your prayer and financial support: 

Prayer Team: Send us note to let us know you're praying for us, and let us know how we can be praying for you. 

Financial Support Team: To join or learn more, visit:

Abegg Missionary Support Page

Give via US Mail: Send a check with accompanying note stating: "For the Abegg Family" to: 205 Regency Executive Park Dr. Suite 430, Charlotte, NC 28217

Give Via Phone: Dial 800-825-5896 and talk to a very helpful person.

For past issues of our newsletters and other posts visit our Blog.