Thursday, October 22, 2009

Abegg ELL - To CA this weekend!

The Abegg’s Electronic Love Letter


To those who have been called,

who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ; 

 Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance

-Jude 1:1 


***For those in SF Bay Area & Santa Cruz CA, please note that we will be there starting this Saturday. See below.

In this Issue

Project: Recursos Pastorales Update

Waiting on the Lord: What we anticipate for the coming year

Abegg Family Update: In CA starting this weekend!

Missionary Support and Gifting for the Abeggs

How to Contact Us


Project: Recursos Pastorals


As you know we have been working on a project to provide materials (Bible dictionaries, concordances, Greek textbooks, commentaries, counseling aids etc). to pastors in Cuba. This has been slow going due to the difficulty in getting permission from Cuban authorities to enter religious materials into Cuba. We have been literally mailing in individual books but due to the expense involved are looking at other possibilities for the coming year as well as contacting publishers asking them to partner with us by providing their literature free or charge to a market that they don’t have access to anyway. Please pray for this program and that the anticipated changes would bring greater fruit to the pastors and their congregations throughout Cuba.

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Waiting on the Lord

Over the past year I have been doing lots of praying and thinking through my beliefs on missiology, the church and the parachurch’s role in missions. I believe that the primary intuition that the Lord has given us to accomplish the Great Commission is the local church. Though I highly value LAM I have actually been wrestling with my involvement in a parachurch ministry when my heart is with the local church. Thankfully Claudia, the boys and I are intimately involved in a church that takes seriously our call “to make disciples of all nations” and has a heart for Cuba, the Caribbean and Latin America as a whole. After much scripture searching and prayer we believe that the Lord has us at LAM for many purposes, especially to encourage and assist the local churches in Cuba as they seek to fulfill the Great commission in a very difficult place. Please pray for us as we end this year and look forward to what the Lord has in the coming year for our family, Latin America Mission, our home church in Miami and the many churches and pastors we seek to encourage and assist in thiere own ministry to and through their own local church.

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Abegg Family Updates:

we’ll be in CAlifornia this weekend!!!


For those in and around the San Francisco Bay Area and Santa Cruz.  We are headed your way starting this weekend and we’d love to see you!


This Saturday (10/24) Walnut Creek

Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church: Missions Celebration Weekend

Saturday: We will be presenting a ½ hr. seminar and taking part in a Q&A session on missions and our current ministry to Cuba. From 3:00 pm. – 5 PM  

(Map to WCPC)


This Sunday (10/25) Walnut Creek

Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church: Missions Celebration Weekend

9:00 1st Worship service & missionary interview. 

10:00 - 10:45 Global Village Missionary Experience

10:45 2nd Worship service & missionary interview. 

(Map to WCPC)


This Monday (10/26) Walnut Creek

Open House with the Abegg Family. 5:00 – 7:00 PM. We want to see everyone, but simply cant visit each of your homes. So we have reserved the parlor at WCPC (between the library and the sanctuary). We’ll have a few snacks and drinks so stop by on your way home from work or even feel free to pick up your dinner and eat it there.

 (Map to WCPC)


Friday (10/30)  Santa Cruz / Scott’s Valley

Open House with the Abegg Family. 5:00 – 8:00 PM. We are thankful for Walnut Creek Pres that is flying us out for the missions conference which also allows us the opportunity to sneak down to Santa Cruz and see people there. Although we don’t know the exact location yet (watch the website next week for details), we plan on having a similar open house at Mt. Hermon. As before, we’ll have a few snacks and drinks so stop by on your way home from work or even feel free to pick up your dinner and eat it there.

(Map to Mt. Hermon)

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 Missionary Support and Special Gifts

Through the generosity and prayers of partners like you, we are able to continue ministering to the Churches in Cuba.

 If you would like to make a tax deductible donation please take advantage of the links below or simply send checks to Latin America Mission with a note indicating “For the Abeggs” to:


Latin America Mission    P.O. Box 52-7900    Miami FL, 33152-7900.


·  Link to a Printable Donation Form.  (click link for mail in donation form)

·  Link to Online Donation page (click link for online credit card donation)


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How to Contact Us

E-mail:            kabegg “at” lam “dot” org


Office Mail: P.O. Box  52-7900 Miami, FL 33152-7900

Office Phone: 305-884-8400 x25


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