Friday, August 14, 2009


  • Benefit to having a 4 year old: you don't need to purchase a paper shredder. Drawback: he's self serving.
  • It's a blessing to see that the boys want to serve by washing my car. It's also a blessing when it rains that evening to re-wash what they washed.
    Jeremy: "If God is everywhere at once, wouldn't we bump into Him any time we move?"
  • Jeremy: "Can I pour my own juice when I'm older, like 50 years old?"
    Exaggeration happens -Nico to a friend: "Daddy says that if you shake a soda can and then open it, it will blow up the whole house!"
  • Note to self: the next time you have Jeremy and Nico help with gardening, be VERY specific as to which plants are weeds to be pulled out, and which plants should stay in the ground. P.S. buy Claudia some new flowers.
  • 23 story apartment buildings are for throwing paper airplanes or water balloons off of. (OK, Daddy already knew that one).
    Jeremy: “Worms live in dirt so that's what they eat. We live in air so that's what we eat… Wait, that's not right!"
  • Faith of a child -Jeremy: "I can't wait to die." Daddy: "Why would you say that? Don't you know how much we would miss you?" Jeremy: "Yeah, I’d miss you too but then I get to be with God!" (See Phil 1:12-26)

While at Disney for Nico & Grandpa’s Birthday, Jeremy got to take part in "Jedi Training" and is now convinced he can use the force on Mommy and Daddy: “You don’t want to discipline me”. So here’s some for you Star Wars fans:

  • Nico: "If knights had to fight dragons today, they'd use light sabers!"
  • Nico: Ham Solo is captain of the MaƱana Falcon.
  • Jeremy: "If I feed a worm a lot, would he get as big as Jabba the Hut?"
  • Nico: "If a bad guy came to our house I'd spin around and around with my light saber and he'd just run away!"
  • Jeremy: "Chewbacca needs to shave like daddy."
For Previous “Lessons” installments, please visit our “Lesson Plan”.

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