Thursday, June 1, 2023

🌎 Gospel Workers from 6 Countries Gather!

Love Letters from the Abeggs:  
"…to those who are called, beloved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ: May Mercy, Peace, and Love be multiplied to you." (Jude 1:1)

Friends and Prayer Partners in the Gospel…

Months of planning went into the Central America & Caribbean Regional Conference for the UWM missionaries under Claudia and my care. (It then took us nearly a month to recuperate, and we're not fully there yet!) Still, we rejoice at how our missionaries were served, refreshed and equipped by those who helped in so many ways. We're encouraged at how many international projects are moving ahead. We're hopeful in the ongoing development of supportive leaders in the region.
Six countries, five days, sixty-five attendees, multiple teachings, seminars, and training. That's the clinical description of the 2023 UWM Central America & Caribbean Regional Conference that recently took place in Costa Rica, but doesn't describe the heart or hunger behind it all. Because of the pandemic, the missionaries under our care had not met in person since 2018, and as missionaries, whether US, Latino or otherwise, we all missed the fellowship, encouragement, and simple freedom to talk with others who understand missionary life. Time with other "on the field" missionaries. For those with 45 years of service or brand new to the field, these gatherings provide deep, compassionate encouragement centered on cross-cultural ministry. Times where mutual encouragement pour out of every conversation, teaching, or simple chats over coffee.
Nico flew in from Idaho and joined us as our photographer, videographer and IT support. (Jeremy was sad he couldn't make it as well!)
Being "understood", sharing vision, mission, and purpose, encouraging one another, or empathizing in the cultural challenges that go hand-in-hand with international missions are unwritten staples of these conferences. This is beyond any planned program, and is at the heart of our time together. Though some serve with teams from their birth country, most must work through cross-cultural challenges daily even as they attempt to adopt, assimilate, and be absorbed by their host country.  It's on this often unstable ground that we missionaries seek to follow Christ in the extension of His Kingdom through discipleship, leading and introducing others to the hope we've found, and the very reason to cross borders and cultures -the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Discipleship and Biblical Leadership was the focus of our teaching times. Leadership according to Paul as a Jew ministering amongst Gentiles, Daniel as an exiled Hebrew in Babylon or Christ Himself, setting aside glory, taking on flesh, laying down His life and making us heirs with Him.  Essential, Biblical, cross-cultural understandings for the church planter in the Dominican Republic, the missionary ministering to single moms in marginalized communities of Honduras, the seminary professor in Guatemala, or the manager of medical clinics in Costa Rican immigrant communities.
In some ways, as missionaries, we have it easy because we're out of our natural element and forced in every endeavor to rely on God's guidance and grace. We are reminded, like Daniel, how inadequate we are to represent our Lord in a foreign language and culture, with social norms we don't always grasp. As foreigners, even Latin foreigners, we will never be "Guatemaltecos", "Hondureños", "Ticos" or "Dominicanos", but we're in solid Biblical company with those who were removed from, or even chose to leave their home and followed the Lord's leading in order to share the hope found only in Him. Seeing God's hand at work in and through each of us as fragile "jars of clay" is the very essence of these conferences, witnessing the impact as the Gospel redeems lives and eternities.
We had teams from various countries join us, including our church in Miami! Gabbie, Millie & Jessica did an amazing job teaching, and simply loving on our "Missionary Kids"!
There are costs involved in these gatherings though. Costs in leaving daily work no matter the country, loading families onto planes or buses, crossing borders, layovers and connections in 3rd countries, arriving bleary-eyed and travel-worn. But then there's the soothing balm of fellowship, the stimulant of corporate worship, the bolstering of sound teaching, and the rekindling of old friendships. There's silly talent shows and Missionary Kids meeting others their age who are as strange, confused, and culturally profound as they are themselves. There's the Body of Christ, in its amazing, mixed-up, cultural uniqueness, strengthening one another and worshiping the one true God who gives missionary callings and orders our steps. Then there are the tears and hugs as we return, each to our own countries and assignments and those we have the privilege to disciple, to bolster, and encourage. The co-workers and those we serve, train, lead, and we have the God-given privilege to minister alongside. 
So, essentially six countries, sixty-five attendees, five days… and a taste of the glory that by God's grace will ultimately impact eternity.

In His hands;
Kevin Abegg
UWM Regional Leader – Central America & Caribbean

Please pray:

Financial support

Claudia and I are so grateful for our intercessors who continue to engage in spiritual warfare and prayer to see His "kingdom come & will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven…".  Your prayers for our time at the conference and beyond were fundamental and a blessing beyond measure! We're also grateful for those who have chosen to financially support us in our ministry throughout the Caribbean, and enabling us to assist, care for and guide other missionaries throughout the region. Please pray for the Lord's provision in the midst of the current workload, and for the Lord's guidance, blessing and encouragement for all of those who make up our prayer, financial and relational support teams scattered around the globe!

Pray as well:

  • …for our financial support as we prepare for next year's college tuition and our overall ministry needs.
  • …ongoing followup with conference attendees on everything from projects to trials to family needs.
  • …for Claudia and my focus as we are pulled in numerous directions throughout the region & in our own lives. Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and God's provision in new leadership on the field in areas that we simply cannot cover ourselves.
  • …for Jeremy as he wraps up his final intensive week at the World Journalism Institute.
  • …for Nico who is excelling and growing even as he juggles one and a half full time jobs and continues editing the 10 interviews with missionaries from the conference. (You may get a glimpse of these soon).
  • …for Claudia and my preparations of an upcoming visit to ministries and missionaries in Honduras.

Join our Team
Our work with and through believers in Central America is only possible with your prayer and financial support:

Prayer Team: Send us note to let us know you're praying for us, and let us know how we can be praying for you.

Financial Support Team: To join or learn more, visit:

Abegg Missionary Support Page

Give via US Mail: Send a check with accompanying note stating: "For the Abegg Family" to: 205 Regency Executive Park Dr. Suite 430, Charlotte, NC 28217

Give Via Phone: Dial 800-825-5896 and talk to a very helpful person.

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