Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Hurricane Dorian Update & More

To those who have been called, who are LOVED by God the Father
and KEPT by Jesus Christ; MERCY, PEACE 
be yours in abundance.      

-Jude 1:1

What's Behind...

Hurricane Dorian!

Thank you to all who have been praying for us, for local ministries and South Florida in general. We were spared from one of the strongest hurricanes recorded in the Atlantic. The category 5 hurricane with sustained winds of 185 mph paused and then made a northern turn only 100 miles off the Florida coast and continues to skirt the Eastern seaboard even now. Unfortunately the Northern islands of the Bahamas took the full force of this monster. Please be praying for those who live in the Bahamas and for God's people to be able to respond and care for the hurting. 
After the Bahamas, Dorian edges its way up the Atlantic Seaboard.

Start of School Year
and Travel Planning for 2020

As the boys get older, coordinating school schedules and ministry travel has become more complicated (and costly). Though homeschooled, "The Abegg Academy" is blessed to be part of a fantastic homeschooling co-op run by a local church one hour North of us. That trek wasn't so bad once a week last year, but as Jeremy and Nico branch out in their studies, it has grown to 3 trips a week. They are doing fantastic, and I have to confess I'm madly in love with their primary teacher who manages this all so well. We're currently stretching the budget so they can also take part in speech clubs and other mentorship programs such as ACE (Architecture, Construction and Engineering). They're advancing in Civil Air Patrol and assisting in many ways at Palm Vista, our local church, so they keep very busy.
Nico & Jeremy advancing in rank
with Civil Air Patrol.

Then there's ministry travel. The trips we know about at this point will include the Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Costa Rica. We have invitations to conferences in Colombia and various US cities. During Claudia and my initial planning we removed a few trips for family health, only to realize we haven't factored in a vacation time or visits to our families in CA and Chile as of yet... so back to the drawing board!

Please pray for us as we think through the management of work, school and general family schedules. Pray that we would fully engage wherever we are, wether that be ministry, work, school studies or even play and rest. "...and whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." (Col. 3:17)

What's Ahead...


Mobilization and Coordination

We have a number of missionaries preparing to deploy to Costa Rica as well as others considering joining us in Miami as part of an anti-human trafficking internship. Please pray for a smooth entry into a new ministry for those going international and wisdom and discernment as Claudia and I work with the internship potentials. 

Retreat Planning

It's been over a year since we stepped in as Leaders and coordinated UWM's regional retreat. This Friday we'll be kicking off the planning for next summer's retreat as we meet with the planning committee consisting of missionaries from around our region. Please pray for the planning of this event. For my leadership of the group and ultimately for our ability to guide and minister to those under our care.
Regional Retreat from 2018. Now we start the planning for 2020!

Support Update

Consider Joining
Our Team

"Make disciples of all nations..." (Mat. 28). Our supporters are as much part of our team as those we work with throughout Central America & the Caribbean, each fulfilling their part of the great commission according to their gifts (Romans 12).  We are so thankful for you our supporters!

Last year many of our long time supporters chose to increase and we had a number of new supporters join the team. This fall we will be looking to engage new supporters to join in and carry some of the burden as we dig deeper into the region, train and put into place more leaders and manage the needs of our family with two teens' increasing educational and practical needs. 
Please pray with us for Gods guidance as we consider what regions, groups, churches and people He would have us reach out to in the coming months. We have seen His provision for so long, and believe He has plans for the coming years including college for the boys, ministry travel and training as well as a way to cover the expenses that go with all of these. 
Thank you to those who have and continue to partner with us both in prayer and finances. We are so grateful and continue to intercede for you in all you do. Please send us a note and let us know how to better lift you up in prayer!

Join Our Team

Prayer Team 

Send us a note and let us know you're an intercessor and want our intercessors updates!

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 Mail check with accompanying note stating:
"For the Abegg Family" to:
Regency Executive Park Dr.
Suite 430,
Charlotte, NC 28217

Give Via Phone

Dial 800-825-5896 and talk to a very helpful person!
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