Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Abegg Love Letters - Ministry Adventures in Central America: Costa Rica Short Term Team & More

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To those who have been called, who are LOVED by God the Father
and KEPT by Jesus Christ; MERCY, PEACE 
be yours in abundance.      

-Jude 1:1

What's Behind...

Costa Rica

It's been a very busy summer as the Abegg family journeyed to Costa Rica for meetings and then to lead a Short Term Team of 16 assisting the Gortmaker family, UWM missionaries in Cañas.

When booking flights we planned our first week for various meetings but not knowing the exact needs we'd be addressing. God lined them up perfectly! Esthela Cevallos, UWM missionary from Ecuador, a full-time chaplain since 1969 at one of the largest hospitals in Costa Rica La Clinica Biblica, and one of my "heroes of the faith" was in the midst of a health crisis and needed to transition to a long term care facility. Having dedicated her life to the Gospel, she never married, and has no immediate family in Central America.
I was blessed to accompany Esthelita to some of these meetings along with visiting nieces and our partnership coordinator. The experience of walking through the halls of La Clinica where she served for nearly 50 years was truly humbling. Superman visiting a children's medical wing wouldn't have received as many hugs, kisses and tear filled testimonies of changed lives as did Esthelita. People couldn't help but share how the Lord used her in both miraculous and mundane ways. We couldn't take 5 steps without a patient, doctor, nurse or desk clerk pouring out gratitude for this small (perhaps 5'2") giant of the faith! I hope to share more on this experience in the near future. For now, please pray for our "retirees" who often continue to serve well into their "golden years" . Pray also for those nearing retirement, that the Lord would guide and provide as they follow him in to a new phase of life.
Not tall in stature, but a giant in intercession!
Partnership & New Opportunities 
Another meeting that left me rejoicing was with the incoming president of FEDEMEC, Carlos Abarca. FEDEMEC is a Costa Rican Missionary Sending Agency and UWM partner ministry. During the LAM days we began conversations on how to partner with Latin Sending Agencies, but these were sidelined for years following the merger. In God's mercy, these conversations have not only re-started, but go beyond providing Latin agencies with US missionaries. We're discussing how to share global ministry needs, provision for missionary care and even sharing resources to reach all the world as international partners. Pray for wisdom as we and our partners engage this next phase of missions. Not from the US to elsewhere, but anywhere to everywhere together!
Myself, Luis Diego & FEDEMEC's new president Carlos Abarca
Missions 101: Short Term Teams
After an exhausting but exhilarating week, the Short Term Team from our home church in Miami, Palm Vista Community Church, joined us at "Campamento Rio Naranjo" just outside of Cañas. Rather than tell you here, you can read about the team and our work from Jeremy & Nico's perspective in: Nico's News & Jeremy's Journal. Or join me in my Sunday morning report:
Click to play...

United World Mission
Leadership Meetings

After Costa Rica, Claudia and I flew directly to Charlotte, NC while the kids & team returned home. That following week was dedicated to UWM's yearly leadership conference. All of the Regional Leaders, Partnership Coordinators, and many others gathered to share, learn and strategize for the coming year. It was an intense but immensely profitable time both structurally and strategically for the mission, and to connect with those we usually meet with online but rarely have the time to fellowship and converse with in person. Please continue praying for this team. For the Lord's guidance and the team's discernment on how to address the unique gospel challenges as well as regional crisis (Ebola, Dengue, Revolts, Migration...) around the globe.

We've spent a lot of time in planes this summer!

What's Ahead...

A short but much needed vacation!

This has been an amazing summer, but as we continue with catch-up, follow-up and look towards the fall with homeschooling co-ops, still to be planned field visits and multiple projects, our family is in desperate need of a break. We are so grateful for a chance to step away together and enjoy the home of dear friends and supporters in N. Florida right on the beach providing both rest and "teen friendly entertainment". The generosity of this family and other supporters has made it possible for us to not only continue our work, but also benefit from times of needed rest. Please pray that we would experience deep rest, rich family fellowship and vision for the coming months. 

New Structures & Connections

Attempting to meet regularly with 60+ missionary units in our region, assist in crisis situations, traveling to visit ministries and connect deeply with our workers doesn't leave time for regional development or a focus on new programs. For that reason we're finally implementing team and cluster group leaders to help cover some of this need. These are experienced missionaries who will work under Claudia and I to oversee and provide front line care for up to 7 other families in the region, helping us carry this ministerial load.  This will help provide more consistent connections and allow Claudia and I to focus on other arenas of need including the development of anti-trafficking training we've been waiting to get back to. Please pray for these new leaders and for the planning and training we will be providing during the coming months. 

Support Update

Consider Joining
Our Team

Though everyone is called to "make disciples of all nations..." (Mat. 28) not everyone is equipped to do so cross-culturally as a missionary. However many of you seek to "make disciples" in your part of the world and make it possible for us to do so internationally. Our supporters are as much part of our team as those we work with and supervise throughout Central America, each fulfilling their part of the great commission according to their gifts (see Romans 12).  We are so thankful for you!

We are still seeking to close a significant shortfall in our support. Last year many of our long time supporters chose to increase and we had a number of new supporters join the team. This fall we will be looking to engage new supporters to come in and carry some of the burden. 
Please pray with us for Gods guidance as we consider what regions, groups, churches and people He would have us reach out to in the coming months. We have seen His provision for so long, and believe He has plans for the coming years including college for the boys, ministry travel and training and the expenses that go with all of these. 
Thank you to those who have and continue to partner with us both in prayer and finances. We are so grateful and continue to intercede for you in all you do. Please send us a note and let us know how to better lift you up in prayer!

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Prayer Team 

Send us a note and let us know you're an intercessor and want our intercessors updates!

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Give via US Mail

 Mail check with accompanying note stating:
"For the Abegg Family" to:
Regency Executive Park Dr.
Suite 430,
Charlotte, NC 28217

Give Via Phone

Dial 800-825-5896 and talk to a very helpful person!
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