Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Abegg Electronic Love Letter -Tribulations, Triumphs and the Reasons We Need Your Prayers

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To those who have been called, who are LOVED by God the Father
and KEPT by Jesus Christ; MERCY, PEACE 
be yours in abundance.      

-Jude 1:1

Thank God...For God.

Claudia and I met with our UWM supervisor yesterday. All three of us reflected on how the holidays weren't very restful due to crises in our region as well as worldwide with bombings, persecution, illness and death.  We understand that God is in control and has an eternal purpose in every minute aspect of His-story, yet I wrestle with His perfect wisdom vs. my inconsequentially small perception on all He allows to pass. I'm tempted to react immediately and try to "fix" each little thing, instead of first seeking what He's at work doing so I can follow.  In our conversation he shared a Psalm that encouraged me immensely:

"O Lord, my heart is not lifted up; my eyes are not raised too high; I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me. But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me. O Israel, hope in the Lord from this time forth and forevermore." -Psalm 131

The Holy Spirit, through Scripture, helps us correctly orient ourselves in the universe, and reminds me I'm not the center... God is. 

 He clarifies the hard work we're called to, whether in US offices, medical clinics & classrooms of Honduras, pastoral trainings in Guatemala or Costa Rica, ER's the Dominican Republic and those grieving around the globe. God's spirit is present each of these places (as well as infinitely more). Yes, we're called to work hard. To engage with exhausted arms, trembling legs, taxed braincells & resources, insanely hard work! Yet in the midst of it all, we're called to deeply, intimately trust God. To, as the Psalmist says, be as a "weaned child with its mother..."  To trust His guidance and receive His rest even in the midst of the raging tempest.

So, as I reflect on the tears, struggles and pain that are mixed with the joys and victories, I begin to see a pattern of His hand at work, not meerly now and then, but surrounding and penetrating each and every moment of our existence with purpose and hope. It's for this reason I then thank God... for God.

Next Stop: Guatemala

Shortly I'll be headed to Guatemala, a country that has been in the news over the past year due to it's deadly volcanic activity. Similar to Claudia and my pre-Christmas trip to Honduras, my time will be dedicated to missionaries, their ministry partners and potential future partner ministries.

We have a new family of 4 attending language school in Antigua preparing for deployment to the Dominican Republic to join a growing team that's discipling and helping equip local churches. I'll also get to meet with the D.R. team leaders who will be in Guatemala at the same time. They have been caring for another couple on their team that is dealing with significant health issues. Please pray for healing for Gil Leon as he goes through treatment for a parasite imbeded in his brain, as well as his wife Danna and their family. He's recovering, but there are still many unknowns and decisions to be made. Pray for wisdom for me and the rest of UWM in helping everyone navigate this process. 

Another couple I'll be visiting lives in Solola, Guatemala where wife Sarah serves with Viña Studios creating Bible episodes for "Deditos". Think "Veggietales" before Disney got ahold of them, only with finger puppets. Check out one of their recent projects, Deditos Episode 10, it's pretty impressive!  Claudia and I have known her husband Kevin since he joined LAM many years ago. He's working with Centro Esdras to better equip pastors throughout the country, as well as teaching courses with another partner ministry, Seminario Biblico de Colombia

I'll also be meeting with the directors of each of these partner ministries as well as a few new potential partners. Please pray for wisdom for me as I engage each on different topics and levels. Pray for safety in travel and care, wisdom and strength for Claudia as she manages various events and continues guiding Jeremy & Nico through "The Abegg Institute" homeschooling program even as they recover from seasonal flu's. 

Upcoming Trip to Guatemala to visit UWM missionaries and Partner Ministries
Scent from one of the "Deditos" [Literally "Little Fingers"] episodes by Viña Studios

Support Update

Update on efforts to be fully supported by end of 2018:

Many have been waiting to hear about the results of our $2000/month campaign by year's end. We are so thankful to everyone that has responded, continues to pray, has given or committed to be part of our monthly support team! Before Christmas (see our Blog for old newsletters) we were $800/month short. As of last week, two weeks into 2019 it appears that we remain roughly $400/month short for this year. We are so thankful for everyone who helped improve our monthly support by a whopping $1,600/month during such a short support raising campaign! What a fantastic response and encouragement this has been. Special gifts and monthly support have assured that this year will be much more focused than the last without the constant concern of decreasing support.

We will have a clearer understanding of our level once everyone who committed to join or increase their support gives their first gift before the end of the month. Some have let us know they are affected by the government shutdown and a delayed salary. Please pray for them and others encountering unanticipated challenges. 

If you committed to join us please send in your donation. If you had planned on joining but find yourself in a surprise bind, please let us know so we can intercede for you. We are grateful the Lord put it on your heart to join us, and we seek and trust Him to provide according to His wisdom. 
Please pray for this last $400/month to be covered. Pray for those who make up our support team, be they prayer or financial supporters, to be blessed and guided by the Holy Spirit in all they do. 

If you want to join our team as intercessors or financial supporters, or just need to know how to do it, please contact me or use the info at the bottom.

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 Mail check with accompanying note stating:
"For the Abegg Family" to:
Regency Executive Park Dr.
Suite 430,
Charlotte, NC 28217

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Dial 800-825-5896 and talk to a very helpful person!
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