Monday, September 17, 2018

Bob Jeffery has moved to heaven!

A saint has moved on to glory. 

As a new missionary with LAM in 2003 I remember Bob and his wife Ann coming through the office with a quiet, encouraging presences. I had a sense of "that's what I want to be like whenever I grow up". 

UWM missionary Lillian Solt of UWM partner ministry CEDCAS did a fantastic job of sharing about Bob and Ann's involvement over the years. Please keep Ann and the rest of the Jeffery family in your prayers, but rejoice in God's grace extended through these servants to many, many people!

September Newsletter 2018
Bob Jeffery has moved to heaven!
"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' Matt. 25:23 NIV
This past Monday, the Jeffery family informed us that Bob has moved to his permanent residence in Heaven. Our hearts are saddened but joyful that he is with his Lord and Master. Bob loved the Lord and was a faithful follower sharing his faith with all those that came to know him. 
Bob and Ann came to work with ministry CEDCAS many years ago and we fell in love with them immediately. They continued to work with the little church in the squatter community of Los Guido where they called Pastor Dorotea over 24 years ago. They started a feeding program with the neediest children in the community alongside the church programs. 
They were constantly visiting the people in these communities not even fearing for their own lives. The people came to love them for their genuine love and concern for each one of them.
The Jeffery´s in coordination with Clinic CEDCAS and mission teams were able to offer many activities of evangelism with the church and see people come to know Jesus in a personal way. 
Bob and Ann brought many gifts to the table but Bob had very special gifts as a graphic artist and photographer. He loved to take pictures and videos and then share them with the churches.
Many of our rural projects have the documentation of their activities thanks to all of the pictures and videos that Bob took. In Horquetas de Sarapiqui, during a medical and dental clinic Bob and Ann were helping in anything they could find to do. This was what I loved about them, you never had to tell them what to do, they just stepped in and did what was needed.
Sometimes Bob got really creative and artistic with his pictures as you can see here. The first picture is shot through a pipe. We have some very unique pictures thanks to Bob. 
Bob helped us with brochures, folders, singing cards or anything that needed to be printed and then he could also put it in plastic so that it would last forever. Memory verses was another one of his ways of helping kids learn Bible verses.
Bob loved to be with and play with the kids. He could entertain them for hours making orgigami. 
When CEDCAS had mission teams Bob and Ann were a tremendous help as tour guides, translators, biology experts, and people that loved to share their faith. We traveled to different parts of the country with CEDCAS and they were always ready to serve.
 When our mision teams came to Costa Rica the Jeffery´s were a vital part of the team´s ministry. They were encouragers and would share openly how God brought them to serve in Costa Rica many years ago.
Today, CEDCAS continues to support the project in Los Guido which is a tribute to the legacy of the work and ministry started by the Jeffery´s. Continue to pray for the work that Pastor Dorotea is doing and that she will be encouraged by the Lord as she shares the Gospel to a very difficult community. We praise the Lord for the hard work, love and perseverance that Bob and Ann shared for many years in the community of Los Guido. 

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