Wednesday, January 10, 2018

As United World Mission Regional Leaders for Central America and the Caribbean, we get to work with UWM Missionaries and Partner Ministries throughout this part of the world in many disciplines, including Human Trafficking Education and Prevention.

We are always looking for resources to help people understand this horrific and prevalent crime, and are including below one created by the University of New England's School of Social Work. Although the information is a few years old (by many counts human trafficking is now the #2 on the list of illegal trade commodities), it's presents some eye opening data.

Thank you for the encouragement and support we receive from so many of you. 
Please consider joining our team by visiting our UWM Missionary Page.

Human Sex Trafficking: An Online Epidemic #infographic

Thank you for the encouragement and support we receive from so many of you. 
Please consider joining our team by visiting our UWM Missionary Page.