Tuesday, December 30, 2014

December 2014

Over the past year I spent considerable time meditating on the idea of “purpose” with dad’s passing, mom’s necessitated move, pending sale of the family home and our own transition into the world of human trafficking.  I found myself regularly drawn to the haunting concept of “why”.  Why death? Why sickness? Why change? Why here, now, this way… From what I see in scripture and throughout history, God does nothing without purpose and meaning…Eternal meaning (Rom. 8 &9; Eph. 1). In His plan, there is not a single unanswered “why?”.  
Our God embodies the concept of purpose. Being made in His image, we are all purpose driven creatures. How many of this generation are looking for a “cause” to dedicate themselves towards yet are blind as to the weight of being brought from dust to existence for an eternal purpose? People want a “why” for life but often settle for pat answers rather than truth with deep meaning:
“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Ps. 139)   -Intentionally designed.  

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. (Eph. 10)  -Divinely purposed.
What Joy and Comfort! Even our hardest times are married to Biblical promises of redemptive results for “those called according to His purpose”(James 1; Romans 8). It’s this certainty that enables us to walk through our darkest hours, and to then walk others through their own, such as those caught in the web of human trafficking. 

Having the understanding that very people consumed by the commerce of modern slavery carry the image and purpose of their Creator compels us to act. The young girls in hidden rooms across this country who can’t break their captor’s bonds are made in the Image of the Eternal King. The young and old unable to escape never-ending, back breaking servitude in homes, factories and fields right here in America are made in the likeness of our Lord!

With this in mind, and as the year draws to a close, we ask that you prayerfully consider partnering with us through a tax deductible donation as we seek to bring the Hope, Love and Eternal Significance ascribed by our Lord to each of these. Your support will enable us to begin the work of unifying many of fantastic ministries and non-profits in South Florida in a coalition to better meet the needs of those being crushed, bring information to those who can help rescue and be a stronger voice for those who have none.

We would love to share more about the various ministries we will work with and alongside, so please do not hesitate to contact us.

Online donations may be made via: http://www.uwm.org/give Designation "Missionary," then look for "Abegg" in the drop-down menu. 

Or Mailed to: 205 Regency Executive Park Drive, Suite 430, Charlotte, NC 28217. Please include a note: "For the Abegg's". 

Thank you from all of us!!!

United World Mission Missionaries

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