Thursday, June 5, 2014

Urgent Update -The Abegg's Love Letter

Air Mail

The Abegg's Love Letters

Don't miss in this update:
·      Catching our Breaths (from an INTENSE year)
·      Upcoming vision trip to Miami. (June 10-22)
·      NEW Anti-Human Trafficking Ministry
·      How to Update your Support to United World Mission due to LAM's merger. (URGENT!!!)
It's been years since I've surfed, but getting pummeled by a wave that you thought you were riding, held under for what seems like an eternity not knowing which way is up, then finally breaking through the surface and taking a, desperate gulp of air is one of the most exhilarating feelings in the world…until the next wave hits!
This year we've had those satisfying gulps and then gone back under numerous times: Latin America Mission merging with United World Mission  uprooting from home for a year due to Dad's cancer and passing in March. Mom's struggle with memory loss and the need to dismantle two homes…frankly, we're beyond "out of breath". The whole family would say that this has been the most difficult year of our lives, but we'd also say that God is, has been, and will always be Good!
Our need to move to CA for a year to transition dad heavenward and mom to a healthier living arrangement was made possible during LAM's transition into UWM, "freeing" me from the confines of a physical office and allowing me to work from home (in CA). In God's wisdom, this put us in the heart of some of the US and World's most creative thinking and innovative programs to address the modern slavery of Human Trafficking. We've been able to meet with and learn from many Christ centered organizations, and received training that is not yet available in Miami, preparing us for our anticipated Fall return as UWM missionaries in the battle against Human Trafficking.
The term "Human Trafficking" covers an enormous spectrum of abuses. According to the Polaris Project (a site we HIGHLY recommend for education and resources):

In less than a week, Tue. June 10th, we will return to Miami for a two week exploration time with ministries, churches and organizations that are working in, or desire to work in this arena. Through our years with LAM, as director of International Partnerships and Director of US Partnerships, we have been blessed to develop an immense network of like-minded organizations with whom to begin this work, but we do have some urgent needs:  
·      Intercessory Prayer Partners: We are asking for 20 individuals willing to commit to pray for us on a daily basis and respond to prayer updates. This does NOT mean we don't want others who will regularly lift us up, but we're asking for 20 people who know they are prayer warriors to "step up and kneel down as we step forward".  Please let us know if you are willing to fight with us in this arena and we'll get back to you with specifics.
·      Network Builders: Those who can provide introductions to first hand connections with those who have hearts for, or significant connections to individuals, ministries and churches already involved in the fight against Human Trafficking, or desiring to support such a fight.
·      Financial Partners: This is Urgent! Over the years we have been supported by individuals, families, foundations, organizations and Churches. Stewarding the gifts He has given His Body, all have been amazing partners and made it possible for us to work in the trenches as we ALL respond to God's call. Please, Prayerfully consider whether the Lord may be calling you to enable us to take these next steps of faith by financially supporting this endeavor. (See below for giving options)
The call for financial partners is an URGENT need especially following this past unique year of difficulty. Over the past 6 years, as part of LAM's guidance team overseeing International Partnerships and then US Partnerships, our family's income had been subsidized by the mission. Throughout this merger, UWM has offered me (Kevin) a paid position at their main office, but both Claudia & I have been convicted for over two years that we are being called and prepared for an Anti-Human Trafficking ministry which would get me out from behind a desk and back on the "missionary front lines". This is a step of faith for our family, and frankly life in Charlotte, NC looks very tempting, but moving there right now would not be following God's call at this point in our lives. I will however continue assisting in an advisory capacity.
Please prayerfully consider partnering with us by regularly supporting our family and/or making a special gift on our behalf to:
United World Mission PO Box 602002 Charlotte, NC 28260-2002 (with a note that it's for the Abeggs).
Or online ): Designation "Missionary," then look for "Abegg" in the drop-down menu.


 Thank you !
The Abegg Family
A few recommended Anti-Human Trafficking Links:
Freedom Summit Resources:

Bay Area Anti Trafficking Coalition: (Info. applicable to the SF Bay Area and anywhere in the country)