Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Abegg's Love Letters

Merry Christmas!

"Like a stone on the surface of a still river, 
Driving the ripples on forever.

Redemption RIPS through the surface of time
In the cry of a tiny babe" -Cry of a Tiny Baby by Bruce Cockburn
Neither Joseph nor Mary had planned on ruining their lives. They were engaged to be married, humble as it were on a carpenter's salary. Then God's messenger showed up and told Mary she was going to have a baby that was…well, not her husbands. How do you think that was received in 1 B.C. Palestine? It was an absolute disaster that could have actually resulted in Mary's death on legal grounds! Joseph, not wanting to expose her to this, decided that a quiet divorce would preserve his own name and not endanger Mary (and whoever's baby she carried). It took a second visit from an angel to re-order his thinking, opening him to a lifetime of ridicule and shame. Joseph chose to accept his brides perceived guilt and named the baby "Jesus", adopting him into the savior's prophesied lineage of King David. Then they fled for their lives to Egypt and the story continues... (See Matthew 1-2)
God seems to work that way. He messes up our own seemingly perfect plans and does something insane like bringing redemption, hope and purpose to our lives. However the real problems come when we don't respond to God's invitation and we try to avoid stepping into the terrifying unknown, trying to remain in our own tiny, pathetic world following our own minuscule agenda. In his work "The Weight of Glory", CS Lewis wrote  "…when infinite joy is offered us, [we are] like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea…" With God's help and intervention, Mary and Joseph got it right.  They laid their planned lives on the altar in exchange for the rough, rocky road that leads to True Glory
If you've been following the Abegg family through our web page, you know that we're currently on a road that we had not necessarily planned on, and God has lead us back to CA for a season to assist my parents with various health issues, raise support, continue with my LAM responsibilities even as we discern what our next steps will be following LAM's completed merger with United World Mission the January.  We've clearly see how this is the road God laid for us. We're having to trust He will provide the timing in the coming year to move ahead with plans for a new ministry to those caught in Human Trafficking and an anticipated training trip to Costa Rica. It has honestly felt like a lot at once, but then I focus on Christmas. On CHRIST. On Joseph and Mary's decisions and how in God's perfect timing, history itself was divided and forgiveness poured out through a child who would eventually lay His life down for our sins. Dwelling on this makes it easier to see the foolishness in thinking that God should follow my agenda rather than my simply choosing to follow Him!
The Abegg family wants to THANK all of you who have supported us with prayer and finances making our ministry feasible over many years. You are vital partners in these rough ministry roads. As the year comes to a close, please consider further assisting during this transition time with a tax deductible year end gift, and for those who are not part of our support team, please prayerfully consider joining us in the coming year as we lay the groundwork for a Human Trafficking Ministry. 

Donations can be made by using the "support this missionary" button at: http://www.lam.org/missionaries/abegg or mailed to: Latin America Mission, PO Box 52-7900, Miami, FL 33152-7900  (please include a note stating "for the Abeggs" or it will not be credited to our account)

Thank you so very much, and we wish each and every one of you the Joy of Hope found only in the child whose birthday we prepare to celebrate!

In His Hands / En Sus manos;
Kevin, Claudia, Jeremy and Nicholas Abegg

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Abegg's Love Letters - Transitions abound!

Air Mail
The Abegg's Love Letters

*If you have trouble viewing this e-mail, please find it online at: http://abeggloveletters.blogspot.com

If you've been following Claudia's or my entries on Facebook or our Blog, you know that this has been an exciting year. That sort of "first time on a roller coaster and the seatbelt won't tighten" type of exciting! Between parent's health needs, support issues and the end of one era and beginning of another as Latin America Mission merges into United World Mission, it's been quite the year!

Since March, I've made three trips to CA to assist my parents with various physical needs. After determining with LAM that such travel wasn't feasible, and that some time with partners on the West Coast would be beneficial, the whole family made the 3,000 mile trek from Miami to Martinez, CA a few weeks ago. Our last stop en route was the Grand Canyon where we got word of the next day's federal Government shut down as we checked in! However we were able to stay 3 of our planned 4 nights and shared Mather camp ground on the South rim with only a handful of other campers and lots of wildlife wandering through the empty grounds!

Now that we've arrived in CA, for our first full-fledged "home assignment" since we joined LAM as missionaries to Cuba 10 years ago, we are looking forward to catching up with old friends and faithful supporters.  Evan as we work through merging two missions organizations into one.  You can read more about the merger in our previous blog entry or on LAM's and UWM's websites, but this leaves the question of what's next for the Abeggs? For now, though on a long overdue missionary "home assignment", I will continue assisting other LAM missionaries and their supporting churches through the transition, and lending my experience and understanding to a transitional Partnership Team working with our local and international partners. Over the next few months I will continue conversing with UWM on possible next steps, including their current invitation to move to Charlotte, and fulfill a similar role to what I've had over the past four years as LAM's North American Partnerships Director.

Yet we're also discussing an exciting possibility of being involved directly in the battle against Human Trafficking,  particularly in Latin populations in the US.   Over the years, my connection with LAM partner ministry Rahab Foundation in Costa Rica has shown me that there is much for North Americans to LEARN from Latin America in this arena, and who better to bridge such a partnership other than LAM now further strengthened by merging with UWM as an international organization?   This is all in the discernment process, but I ask that you pray for us and intercede with us on numerous fronts:

  • An ability to discern the Lord's direction, clarify the vision and lay plans that honor Him, agree with UWM's vision mission and purpose as well as the Abegg's calling.
  • The overall LAM and UWM merger process and my ability to assist my fellow missionaries and the many supporting churches in this transition.
  • Adjustment for the whole family being away from our 10 year home and living with and caring for my parents for the coming months.

We look forward to connecting with those on the West Coast whom we seldom see, and we'll be setting up catch up times in the coming months.  This Sunday we will be taking part in Walnut Creek Presbyterian's missions conference and hope to see some of you there!

Please send us a note and let us know how you're doing, and know that we are SO VERY THANKFUL to those of you who constantly lift us up in prayer and have made sacrificial decisions enabling us to continue ministering alongside Latin Americans for so many years!

As some have asked, for now donations and support will continue as normal until the beginning of next year: 

  • Checks may continue to be mailed to: Latin America Mission P.O. Box 52-7900 Miami FL, 33152-7900. Please include a note indicating "For the Abeggs". Online
  • Donations may also be made online at: http://www.lam.org/missionaries/abegg

In His Hands / En Sus manos;
Kevin S. Abegg


Monday, September 16, 2013

An Exciting Ride and a New Day for LAM!

On Friday I returned from Toronto, Canada, which has not been my usual direction of travel over the past 10 years with Latin America Mission.  However this was a special trip addressing some significant changes taking place at Latin America Mission. A few days ago a communication was sent out announcing LAM’s merger into United World Mission. Having served on LAM’s guidance team over the past few years, I can tell you that this has been a difficult process, however one that we anticipate to bear much fruit as we move forward. The new merged ministry will certainly result in greater pathways for Kingdom service, not only within Latin America but for our Latin partners into the rest of the world.

Interestingly my first interaction with UWM and current president John Bernard was at a 2002 Cuba conference held at their US office in Charlotte, NC. Actually, UWM’s origins were in in 1946 when they first began work in Cuba, and they now have ministries Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America. The new combined organization will consist of more than 350 missionaries (doubling the size of each individual organization) serving in 42 countries. As a mission, UWM is committed to upholding the principal of partnership, and to continue working alongside Latin partners in both word and action as LAM has done for nearly a century. The merger will reduce overhead costs, allowing our missionaries, sending churches and receiving ministries to be even better stewards of what the Lord has entrusted.  For now, the name “Latin America Mission” will continue as ministry of UWM, and donations can continue as usual until further notice.

So…what does this mean for the Abegg Family? We joined LAM as missionaries to Cuba in the year 2000, have had extensive involvement in re-inventing and managing LAM’s international partnerships over the years, and more recently worked to strengthen LAM’s North American Partnerships with Sending and Supporting Churches.  I would be lying if I said this change isn’t significant, however we’ve see how the Lord moves through, and uses times of change to guide and align us with His purposes. For now, we continue on our anticipated trajectory of a 9 month “home assignment” in order to raise share with supporters, visit churches and care for some significant needs my (Kevin’s) parents are facing.

UWM has asked us to consider joining their home office in Charlotte. Yet over the past few years we believe the Lord has been opening doors and leading us toward further work between the N. American and Latin Church in the area of Human Trafficking. Over the next couple of months we ask for intercession as we will be discerning with UWM leadership where the Lord is leading us all: The Abegg’s in terms of long term ministry assignment, UWM/LAM in terms of transfer of specific partnerships, missionaries and next steps in Latin America. We will keep you posted and updated to the best of our ability, and ask that you keep us all in your prayers.

We will be arriving in CA sometime during the first week of October, and began our journey West yesterday. Please follow us on Facebook and know we will miss our friends and partners in Miami this year but look forward to connecting with those on the West Coast in the near future.

For now donations and support will continue as normal until the beginning of next year: 
  • Checks may continue to be mailed to: Latin America Mission P.O. Box 52-7900 Miami FL, 33152-7900. Please include a note indicating “For the Abeggs”. 
  • Online Donations may be made at: http://www.lam.org/missionaries/abegg
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. We look forward to continuing this journey together and will keep you posted!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Update from the Field: Serving Children @ Risk in Colombia

I had the opportunity to meet with Kimberley Gauld last month as part of her deployment process to Colombia where she is serving with Fundacion Brazos Abiertos (Open Arms Foundation). Kimberly is a great example of the many new missionaries that are stepping into international missionary service with LAM and serving the many facets of the Church in Latin America. I have the privilege to work with new missionaries like Kimberly as well as our many long term missionaries on the field. Please keep Kimberley, all of LAM's missionaries and the Miami Service Office staff I work with in your prayers as we seek to honor God and equip His Church in Latin America.  I received the following encouraging note from Kimberly last night that I wanted to pass along. God bless!

In His Hands / En Sus manos;
Kevin S. Abegg

Begin forwarded message:

Subject: Colombia 2013- Update
Date: June 5, 2013 11:06:44 PM EDT

Hi All,
I know I just sent an update, but today I had an amazing morning. A few weeks ago I translated a piece of paper ("letter from God to his child") that I received a few years ago at church into Spanish. I really felt that God wanted me to give each one of the boys this letter as it talks about his love and how he has amazing promises all throughout the bible for our lives. I gave a copy to the pastor of the team from the USA (it was in English). He wanted to use it for devotions this morning. So this morning I gave each of the boys a letter and then read it aloud to the group. After I read it I shared a bit of my testimony with the boys in Spanish (God definitely gave me the words to say!). After one of the boys from the USA team shared his testimony as well. A few of the boys from the farm were almost in tears while he was sharing. It was such an amazing morning. God definitely touched some of hearts of the boys today!! It was such a powerful morning and I definitley felt God brought me here to share this letter with these boys!
Thank you again for your support and prayers.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Noticias de Avance Mexico

One of LAM's longest running summer programs begins today. Please keep the participants and ministries they serve in your prayers. Thanks!

Avance Summer Program Begins Wednesday, June 5th
El programa de Avance Internacional empieza miercoles, 5 de junio.

Pray with us for this summer's leadership team and for all the new Avance participants that they can abide in Jesus and minister out of dependence on Him this summer (John 15).  Oren con nosotros para el equipo de liderazgo de este verano y por todos los nuevos participantes de Avance.  Oren que permanezcan en Jesus y que ministren dependiendo de El este verano (Juan 15).

June 5, 2013

Leadership Training 2013




Monday, May 20, 2013

The Church: Venezuela and At Home

A small sector of the US is keeping a close eye on developments in Venezuela once again as tensions rise. (See: International Crisis Group : Venezuela: A House Divided )

However, as with any crisis, be that current or throughout history, the secular minded can only touch on a small portion of reality.  There is no understanding of a limited ability to see or know in part, especially in light of God’s eternal Kingdom, rule and purpose. As Paul puts it: For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away… For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known." I Cor 13

In having the privilege to interact with Christian institutions and missionaries in Venezuela, I see how the current situation requires them to solidly ground their labor and daily activities in faith, not knowing what the next 24 hrs. will hold for them or the ministry they dedicate their lives to.  I also see the Church working to maintain a kingdom perspective when political lines threaten to bring division, something not so removed from our own country (wherever you may be).

The following is an excerpt from a newsletter from Venezuela which will remain anonymous for obvious reasons:  

“After the April 14th elections, I have procrastinated in writing this letter simply because I don’t know how to describe the situation in Venezuela without seeming to represent one side or the other in this deeply divided nation. The truth is that we have people from both sides [involved in ministry]. The Body of Christ here in Venezuela to some degree at this moment reflects the same kind of polarization that we see in society here in general.  I’ve decided to paraphrase for you a prayer request written by a [member of our ministry] and placed on our prayer list at [the ministry]. I think it summarizes well how we should be praying for the Venezuelan Church. It also summarizes well what we should be doing as the Body of Christ here: 
'May each Christian assume the role that is really his or hers in Christ , being part of the solution and not part of the problem in which this nation finds itself, carrying the word of faith, promise and salvation to disoriented and troubled people.' 

Please pray for the Church in Venezuela and for those who labor to care for and train believers under increasingly difficult circumstances (once again). Likewise, take time to pray for your own country and that the Church would remain united in the Gospel, relying on God’s Word and the Holy Spirit’s guidance as we wrestle through application and being the Body of Christ to a world in desperate need.

Along these lines I want to include a quote that a friend pulled up last week which encouraged me to keep my priorities clear and my understanding sharp with regards to “the Body of Christ”.

"Those who love their dream of a Christian community more than they love the Christian community itself become destroyers of that Christian community even though their personal intentions may be ever so honest, earnest and sacrificial. God hates this wishful dreaming because it makes the dreamer proud and pretentious. Those who dream of this idolized community demand that it be fulfilled by God, by others and by themselves. They enter the community of Christians with their demands set up by their own law, and judge one another and God accordingly. It is not we who build. Christ builds the church. Whoever is mindful to build the church is surely well on the way to destroying it, for he will build a temple to idols without wishing or knowing it. We must confess he builds. We must proclaim, he builds. We must pray to him, and he will build. We do not know his plan. We cannot see whether he is building or pulling down. It may be that the times which by human standards are the times of collapse are for him the great times of construction. It may be that the times which from a human point are great times for the church are times when it's pulled down. It is a great comfort which Jesus gives to his church. You confess, preach, bear witness to me, and I alone will build where it pleases me. Do not meddle in what is not your providence. Do what is given to you, and do it well, and you will have done enough.... Live together in the forgiveness of your sins. Forgive each other every day from the bottom of your hearts.”  (Dietrich Bonhoeffer – Life Together)

God bless!

In His Hands / En Sus manos;
Kevin S. Abegg
Office: 305-884-8400 x225