Monday, August 22, 2011

Hurricane IRENE

Could make for an interesting week in South Florida!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Summer Visitations I

I spent nearly all the month of July away from the office. In some ways that was wonderful. I love my co-workers, but when your heart is on the mission field, it's hard to connect the dots between e-mails, phone call and strategic planning meetings to how the Gospel is being spread in Central and South America. As I covered ground from Miami to Southern California to Tijuana to Mexico City then back up North I had the best of intentions to update our supporters while traveling, yet I find myself back at my desk and having worked right up to Friday afternoon without having carved out the time to "tweet" or even "peep", so this will be more of an end of the week "grunt" in anticipation of more "meat" next week.

One of my stops was Mexico City. LAM's president Steve Johnson, along with our Ministries Department coordinator Marcos Guerra and I met with the Staff of "Spearhead", LAM's traditional summer/year out/two year out short term program that functions more as in depth missionary training. See: We had a number of long days discussing the situation as well as the "perceived" situation in Mexico, various structural and leadership changes and how we can improve and possibly export what is already an amazing program. It's times like these that give perspective to the work that goes on in the office. Spending time with those we serve logistically, spiritually and in other ways reminds me of how exciting my work is as we work to be a healthy link between the North American Church and the Latin Churches and ministries that are caring out the Great Commission. If you'd like to see one of the participant's impressions of Spearhead go to:

Before I close I just have to show you the room I had while in Mexico, it was very ...vivid!