Friday, July 25, 2008

Lessons We've Learned from our Kids #8

1. “Spontaneous Self-Destruction” happens: "I didn't break it Daddy. It just fell apart while I was holding it!"

2. Practical Biblical Application: "See my new shoes daddy? Now I can run away from temptation REALLY fast!"

3. Deep thoughts on Super Heroes: "Her name is Wonder Woman because she wonders about a lot of things."

4. The phrase: "Clean up time” means that children who normally run at 50,000 RPM's suddenly slow to around 27 RPMs.

5. Adult logic can’t keep up with a Child’s imagination: Daddy asked Jeremy: "What do you think that cloud looks like?" Jeremy: "A Barnstorm". Daddy: "What's a barnstorm Jeremy?" Jeremy: "Something that looks like that cloud!"

6. Favorite Cosby Quote: “Before we had children, my wife and I used to be intellectuals.”

7. Using a loud, angry voice to say: "Would you stop yelling at your brother!" is counter productive.

8. Mommy and Daddy may represent God in a young child’s understanding, but children are a particularly effective tool in God’s hand to show us the sin hiding in our hearts, and then to express forgiveness with unlimited hugs, kisses and “I love you daddy…I love you mommy”.

Click here for the entire list of "Lessons We've Learned from our Kids"