Friday, December 7, 2007

What a story!

I heard a report on my way to work yesterday about a baby Jesus that was stolen from one of the displays at a local shopping establishment. Following the report, one of the radio personalities commented: “Whoever steals a baby Jesus at Christmas is in for some really bad Karma!”.

Every Christmas I ask the Lord to impress upon me a new aspect of what celebrating our Savior's birth means to this world, my family and my own life. Following the “kidnapped Jesus” news report I found myself reflecting on the Gospel storyline, and how it’s packed with drama, intrigue, harrowing escapes, betrayal, dirty politics, supernatural events and dazzling ghost like appearances. It has all the makings of today’s best sellers or a blockbuster movie, yet we are (or at least I am) so VERY familiar with “that baby in the stable” that the event loses the crushing impact that it truly deserves. If the reality shattering power of what Almighty God did through an event that literally defines all prior and succeeding history can be so easily lost for someone like myself that was raised in the Church, it’s no wonder that the world sees little more than a plastic light up baby and good or bad karma during the Christmas season!

So what does Christmas mean for me as I dig through e-mails, respond to phone calls or converse with pastors regarding Cuba ministry? This year I am especially drawn to the name of “Emmanuel” or “God is with us”. The name that the Angel gave Mary for the baby she would give birth to (see Matthew 1). His name exemplified the unthinkable idea that the All Powerful-Creator God would literally be with us in a new, very tangible, and eternally significant way.

I have always been moved by Old Testament passages where God shows Himself to “be with” his people. I think of uncompromising Daniel as he is thrown into a cave filled with lions (Daniel 6); of David as a boy standing before a battle hardened, giant warrior with nothing but a few small stones (1 Samuel 17); of Gideon and a few ill equipped men before a mighty and experienced army (Judges 6-8); of Shadrach, Mesach and Abednego seconds before being hurled into a fiery furnace (Daniel 3); and of Abraham ready to sacrifice his only beloved son –the miracle child that God had finally given him in his old age (Genesis 22). God was with each of them in the midst of unimaginable fear and uncertainty. They couldn't know how things would turn out, and by human standards could only anticipate unimaginable pain, suffering and death. But He was there, exemplified in undeniable movements of His mighty hand. Still, all those things -in fact all of history itself, lead up to that precise moment when God took on the very form of His own creation and was physically “with us” for the specific purpose of salvation in the definitive, ultimate and final sacrifice of His Own Blood.

May the Lord impress upon your heart a new, fresh understanding of what Christmas means and an overwhelming joy of what we have to celebrate in our Lord's birth.

Cuba Pastors Book Project

The average Cuban pastor that we work with will have at his disposal a Spanish Language Bible equating to the English King James version, and a basic Bible Commentary (which can be for the better or worse depending on the author). In the past we have found that shipping materials from the U.S. is very complicated given the state of affairs between our two countries. Nearly any literature arriving to Cuba from the U.S. is seen as highly suspect, often resulting in confiscation or “disappearance” en route.

Thankfully though, our ministry has hundreds of “associate ministry” partnerships throughout Central and South America including various publishing companies that are willing to assist in our goal of providing literature to those pastors who don’t have access to the materials they need.

As we get this new project off the ground we are seeking donors who would like to help offset the cost of printing the materials and mailing them directly to these pastors. If you are interested in hearing more about this project, praying for it or becoming a financial partner, please do not hesitate to contact us or make a donation (see Missionary Support & Financial Gift Links at upper right of page).

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Here Comes Christmas!

Just the other day our two year old Nicholas walked into the living room where I was struggling to get the Abegg Christmas tree into its proper corner. As he gazed at the lights, he began to smile from ear to ear and exclaimed: “Daddy, that’s a lot of Christmas!” Both Nico and older brother Jeremy are excited about Christmas, especially the gifts…food…gifts…lights and of coarse…gifts. Claudia and I hope that this year will bring a deeper understanding and wonder of the true meaning of Christmas for the both of them. We do realize that we have to be very intentional to balance out the things they see in the stores or while watching TV with the Historical and Biblical reality of what Christmas means today.

We have found the testimonies of those we serve in our ministry to the Cuban Churches to help in giving our boys a better perspective on Christmas. It was only 10 years ago that any celebration of Christmas was illegal. When Claudia and I first visited the island in December of 1999, only a few lights or ornaments were visible in homes, yet there was an almost tangible sense of awe that permeated the churches as they anticipated celebrating our Savior’s arrival. Today, more lights and decorations can be seen, but still no post-Thanksgiving “black Friday” rush on the poorly stocked stores, no traffic jams around the non-existent shopping malls and no internet access means no online purchases for the perfect gift, even if a $14/month salary could afford them.

As a Cuban pastor once told me: “For us, Christmas isn’t in a box with ribbons, we just can’t do that. It’s found in a simple, dirty manger that shepherds and angels once visited”. –This is a good reminder for my own family as we enjoy the abundant blessings we have this Christmas.

With the year coming to a close, we want to thank those of you who partner with us for your faith and trust in the Lord and what He is doing in the Cuban Church. Thank you again for your support and your encouraging friendship and we hope you have a very profound and merry Christmas

Monday, December 3, 2007

Lessons We've Learned From Our Kids

12-2-07 Lessons #6

  1. Fish tanks and cell phones don’t mix. Neither do fish tanks and puzzles, keyless remotes or battery operated toys.
  2. Unexplained hair loss in a 2 year old does not necessarily mean a disease, just that his older brother is now tall enough to reach the scissors.
  3. At the most inconvenient times a small child can have a very long memory and a very loud voice.
  4. "Teachable moments" are more like "teachable milliseconds" with three year olds.
  5. In the hands of a four year old, a yo-yo holds a strong resemblance in appearance and practice to a certain medieval weapon known as a "mace".
  6. Think long and hard before teaching kids how to: -Juggle: they will not necessarily choose soft items (as grandpa Abegg found out); -Fish: when a lake isn’t available, the fish tank is very tempting; -Use volume controls: clock radios become early AM time bombs; -Use flashlights: they will never be there when you need them; -Turn off a garden hose: they are smart enough to turn it on again when you aren’t around.
  7. If you want to use the bathroom in private, hold it until the kids are in bed for the night…but even then there are no guarantees!
  8. God can, and will speak through toddlers when He so desires, and the faith of a child that Jesus spoke of in Mark 18 is a very real and powerful thing.

For all of our previous "lessons" plus pix please visit our "Lessons from Kids" page.