Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Post Furlough Thoughts: Our Focus and Passion -The Church

We had just returned from our two month furlough when a friend asked: “So how was your vacation?” I no longer cringe as these questions, but use the opportunity to describe the visitation schedule that a missionary family must keep in order to see the numerous churches and individuals that partner with us. After an explanation, the response is generally along the lines of: “Wow! So are you going to take a vacation now that you’re back?”

The word “furlough” isn’t often used in every day conversation, but the definition relates to a leave of absence, usually from the military for the purpose of recuperation and rest, or to deal with personal matters. Over the years, I’ve had various friends in the armed services and have noted that whether they are on active duty or furlough (aka: service leave), there is an understanding that they are at all times soldiers, under authority, representing their country and responsible for their actions. Yes, we’ve all seen saddening stories of those that do not have this conviction; but the majority take their positions very seriously and with respect. They may be away from their “post” but not their vocation or “calling”.

On this furlough, I was reminded more than ever that our ultimate calling is to the Lord’s Church and His great commission of “making disciples of all nations”. Our specific, immediate duty within that calling may vary, such as visiting partner churches, ministries or individuals as opposed to communicating with Cuban pastors or other Latin Churches. However, at all times we are called to build the Lord’s Church and make disciples, representing Him wherever He places us for long or short periods of time.

During this trip we had the privilege to fellowship with many pastors, leadership teams and church members outside of our normal ministry realm. We come away from this time with our faith encouraged at God’s providence and sovereign handiwork, an increased sense of hope in what He has prepared for our family as well as the Churches we visited, and ultimately a deep love for God’s kingdom expressed through people of all walks of life. Many of the pastors mentioned how they struggle to help those in their care fall deeper in love with God’s work and plan. To make sure that they give Christ the place in their heart that only He disserves, and say “no” to the countless worldly suitors and distractions that compete for their love.

Although many of the external struggles are very different, ultimately the struggles within the US Church and the Cuban Church are the same: Do we Love God more than _______ (fill in the blank), and do we trust Him or are we relying on ourselves? My prayer for the Pastors of Cuba, as well as those we were blessed to spend time with in CA is is essentially that they would have a deep, passionate love for the Lord and His work, one that spills over in discipleship of those under their care, and then is reproduced as their own disciples “Go and make disciples of all nations…”. Please join us in praying this for the Cuban Church, as well as the churches in your own community.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jeremiah 9:23-24
This is what the LORD says: "Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight," declares the LORD.